Sponsorship Benefits
Become a Diamond/Platinum/Gold/Silver/Event Sponsor and enjoy some or all of the benefits including:
Plenary presentation at the conference session (Platinum sponsors).
Acknowledgement on conference program (full-page for Platinum & Gold sponsors, half-page for Silver sponsors).
Logo and link published on our widely distributed website at http://www.sapa-neweb.org (Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors).
New product advertisement (Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors).
Company brochure distribution (Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors).
Candidate resume collection (Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors).
Waive registration fee for up to 50 employees (Platinum: 50; Gold: 30; and Silver sponsors: 10).
Waive one-year membership fee for up to 50 employees (Platinum: 50; Gold: 30; and Silver sponsors: 10). If the employees want to join SAPA-NE, they need to fill in the membership application form.